
Cadmus Sows the Dragon’s Teeth Which Turn into Armed Men
The Giants Climbing the Heavens
Landscape with a Waterfall
Apollo Abusing Leucothe in the Form of Eurynome, Her Mother
Hans Bol
Deucalion and Pyrra Repeopling the Earth
Tiresias slaat twee parende slangen
Tiresias, Having Been Changed into a Woman and Back into a Man, Answers the Question
Josina Hamels
The Agony in the Garden from the Passion of Christ
Bust of an Angel
Juno in the Form of Beroe, Nurse to Semele, Warning the Young Girl to Beware of Jupiter’s Advances
Jan Nicquet
The Daughters of Cecrops Open the Casket Entrusted to Them by Minerva
Arcadisch landschap
Cliff on a Seashore
Venus en Mars door Apollo verrast
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